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Arnold Debussy: Recovering from Anime

See the one in the blue shirt in the background, with the beard? That was me, five years ago. I weighed one hundred and sixty two kilograms. I was fat, miserable, and had no friends. I may have been smiling, but there was a dark, sad void inside of me.

I tried to grasp at the straws around me; but instead I only lashed out at the people who tried to help me. I didn't realise that my problems came from myself. I didn't realise that I could pin it all on anime.

I was a weeaboo. There are no questions about it. Anime was on my mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My grades failed. I lost my job at Woolworths. I was in a terrible place in my life.

After almost being disowned by my mother for saying I wanted to move to Japan with my e-wife, Hatsune Miku, whom I had bought for more than $15,000, I realised I needed to change. I needed to improve. I needed to give up on anime.

[To view the rest of this amazing story, subscribe to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Anime newsletter.]

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